dicot.moe is the personal portfolio website of Valerie Halla and Drools Cutely, who are the same person.
I’m a cartoonist, writer, musician, and programmer. I started posting art under the pseudonym Valerie Halla in the fall of 2014. My first (and shortest-lived) webcomic, Portside Stories, gained a surprising amount of traction immediately after it debuted, and I’ve been at this ever since. If you know me for anything, it’s probably my second webcomic attempt, Goodbye to Halos, which I worked on for six years.
I like to write sweet stories centering queer and trans characters. Generally those stories are not explicitly about being queer or trans; instead, I’m big into the idea of queer mundanity.
By that, I don’t mean stories where the presentation and experiences of queer characters are “normalized” by making them indistinguishable from those of non-queer characters. That’s the Coward’s Path. What I mean by “queer mundanity” is that I like to write stories where the thoughts, feelings, and bodies of queer and trans folks are highlighted and drawn upon so universally that they become mundane.
When you do that, you leave the audience no escape hatch. The reader is forced to inhabit these characters and feel their feelings, because they’re given no non-queer perspective from which to observe them: a candy-sweet Saw trap of non-negotiable queer empathy.
It’s a lofty goal, but people seem to be into it, so you could say I’ve found my ecological niche.
Social media links:
For business types:
This is another pseudonym. I used to use it to separate out my erotic work from my “mainstream” stuff: a fool’s errand if ever there was one. With the launch of CURSE/KISS/CUTE, I’ve decided to retire the name.
To be honest, I’ve always felt that the distinction between “porn” and “not porn” was illusory. Fiction is at its best when it’s free to explore the whole range of human interests without fear of crossing some un-recrossable threshold into Pornography. As queer and trans individuals we find ourselves under the thumb of a ruling class which increasingly considers our very existence to be Pornographic: I’m just gonna go ahead and post boobies on main, if it’s all the same either way.
With CURSE/KISS/CUTE, one of my goals is to write some erotica that stands on its own as a fun and engaging work of episodic storytelling. If I succeed, I won’t be the first or the last. The lines have always been carved in sand, and the wind has always been blowing. Girls literally just want to have fun, OK?
If you’re 20+ years old and you can chill, then come check it out! Twitter’s kind of a drag these days, so I tend to be most active on Discord.
It’s when a baby plant has two leaves like this:
I just think that’s moé.